Snake Farm Addendum

Pune, Karnataka, India – At the snake farm, there was the most amazing array of animals, huge Bengal tigers, lions, cougars, and while tigers, plus you could get really close to the cages and get a good look at the animals. There was even this man riding an Indian elephant down the path where everyone was walking. We just walked passed him and watched the reactions of other people. The locals were taking coins and holding them out to the elephant. The highly trained elephant then took the coin from the Indian and handed it up to the man on its back. By tapping the elephant to a certain way, the man could tell the pachyderm to pick up the coin off the ground as well. This was one obedient elephant. Rich and I went walking around the zoo, but as we were making our way to the exit, we passed this elephant again. We did not give the man any money the first time and we certainly would not give him any now. So, the two of us just walked passed the beast. I do not know if the man told the elephant to do this, but as I walked passed, the elephant swung his tail nailing me in the shoulder. This was not elephant and even a swat from the beast tail physically knocked me out of the way, punishment for not paying to the elephant’s keeper.

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